Sunday, February 24, 2019


Midterms Checklist:

On Wednesday, February 27th, please make sure you have the following items turned into the server. For each project, you should turn in two folders: (1) Your project folder so I can check your organizational methods and (2) snapshots or renders of your projects.

Proper naming conventions for your renders are also listed.
  • Project 1: Your first composition project. 
    • [lastname_p1a, lastname_p1b, lastname_p1c]
  • Project 2: Your first three models you created.
    • [lastname_p2a, lastname_p2b, lastname_p2c]
  • Project 3: Your second set of three models you've created.
    • [lastname_p3a, lastname_b3b, lastname_p3c]
  • Project 4: Your Set of three simple interiors, built with lighting.
    • [lastname_p4a, lastname_p4b, lastname_p4c]
  • Project 5: The environment sketches we built -- one of the lab, and one of a chosen location on campus.
    • [lastname_p5a, lastname_p5b]
  • Project 6: All current progress on your big environment project! Produce 3 renders of your current environment's progress in 1/2 resolution! Refer to VIDEO 3 for instructions on lighting and rendering! (960 x 540).
    • [lastname_p6a, lastname_p6b, lastname_p6c]

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