Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Homework for Monday, February 11th

Using what you have learned, build 3 simple interiors!

  • Each should be built in a seperate file.
  • Make sure you light each one!
  • Each scene should have a minimum of four objects in it! (not including copies!)
  • When done, make a render of your scene and take a snapshot of it with COMMAND + SHIFT + 4!
  • Tips:
    • this project is about taking what you understand about models to build larger scenes. We will start talking about texturing next week, so this will give you some projects to experiment with! That said, I will check for each scene!
    • Don't shoot for the most complex, most detailed scenes in the world. Shoot for overall composition and feeling within the space. 
    • Treat each scene like it's own location!


MODELING MENTALITY:  what you should think about when modeling objects!
  • Number of Polygons: How do you create that object with the least amount of polygons?
  • Topology: The way edges and vertices FLOW across your model!
  • Basic Silhouette: Which basic shape to choose when modeling an object and how to build off of it!

  • Key Light:  Strongest light in the scene.
  • Fill Light:  Slightly weaker light that fills in shadows and makes them softer.
  • Rim (or Back) Light: Lights the edge of your characters from behind. Separates them from the background.

  • Paint Selection Tool
  • Sculpting Tool (Sculpting Brush tool)
  • Modeling Toolkit: A collection of tools to make cutting your object easier.
    • Connect tool: Draws an edge loop in the center of your object.
  • Duplicate Special: Make a LOT of copies of your object!
  • Soft Selection Tool: 

(how many of the following were you able to do?)
  • Ideate a scene (come up with an idea)
  • Pick a few objects to model.
  • Model those objects.
  • Position those objects in a composition.
  • Qualify your arrangement as a scene?
  • Start to light your scene?
  • Finish lighting your scene?
  • Produce a render of your scene?

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