Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Notes on Blend Shapes!

How to make blend shapes:
  1.  Make a model. Freeze transformations and delete history.
  2. Check your pivot point position (hold D or X.)
  3. Duplicate that model (command D) (A duplicated model becomes your TARGET/KEY POSE!)
  4. Make changes to the vertices of that model (vertex mode)
  5. Highlight the duplicates, then click the original last. 
  6. In your Animation MENU:  Anim Deform —> Blend Shape.
    1. Blend shape options:
    2. Check Inbetweening: sets all of your poses to different transitions on the same animation.
  7. To view/edit/animate your transformations:  Windows-Animation Editors —> Blend Shape
  8. To view Playback: make use of the dope sheet as well! Shows keying on all objects!

Ways to edit blend shapes:
A. Setup #1: Use wireframe on shaded to help see vertices and edge loops.
  •  Common mistake, picking a single point and moving it.
    • (WHAT YOU WANT TO DO: Take into account the “skin" of your character! Grab multiple points and move together!
      • Make it fold, make it compress! As an easy example, look at the wrinkles and bulges that are folded when you bend your fingers!
B. Setup # 2: A good idea to change mesh with smooth mesh preview off!
*note may want to add extra edge loops at joints for better bends.
D. Setup # 3: In outliner: Want to make a folder just for your blend shapes!  Can make a Blend Shapes Targets Folder!
E. Tools to use:
  • Soft Modification Tool
    • Hit the B key: can switch from selecting choice points to selecting a general area! (yellow, most pull —> red: medium pull —> black: least pull)
    • hold down B key: can increase and decrease falloff radius!

  • Mesh —> Sculpt Geometry Tool
    • Lets you use a brush to do more organic sculpting.
      • NOTE:
    • Options:
      • A Push
      • B Pull
      • C Smooth
      • D Option 4: Relax Good for relaxing and averaging out verticess.
      • E Pinch
      • F Erase

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