Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Notes from Wednesday, March 21st

  • components we work with:
    • GRAPH EDITOR - Allows us to set keyframes, change easing, and edit specific parts of our object!
      • Learning how to read the graph editor is important!
      • set start and stop times
      • understand the difference between realtime keyframes and playing all keyframes regardless of speed
        • To find this: Right Click your Timeline ——> Playback Speed
      • setting keyframes
        • setting keyframes for specific NODES in your channel box!
          • To do it: Right click the node in your channel box and select “KEY SELECTED”
        • there are different types of tangents that affect the speed of our animation!
        • Every tangent functions as a keyframe!
        • Tangents also affect timing!
  • Animating from a camera helps us act towards the audience!
    • helps us know what we need to show, and what we don’t need to show!
  • We will need to use “LOCK SELECTED” to lock parameters from time to time!
  • AUTO KEY FRAMING: located in the bottom right corner of your menu!
    • When you make a keyframe (clicking key selected), your frame will always changed based on the nodes you select, and ONLY the nodes you select.

  • 2 main categories to read:
    • 1) Frame Number
    • 2) Node Value
  • The name of the node appears as well.

  • spline and linear
    • spline: has gradual acceleration/deceleration
    • linear: moves at a constant rate
  • Tangents look like the little black squares on the graph editor!

Selecting Keyframes:
  • hold shift, click and drag: You can select multiple keyframes.
  • double click: select every visible keyframe

Make 2 ball bounces!

  • 1) an average ball bounce.
  • 2) a ball of greater or less weight! (example: bowling ball, tennis ball, etc.)
  • Your ball must bounce at least 4 times!
  • Make you ball bounces in the same file. Put them in layers!
  • Make a playblast of each ball bounce.
  • Keep your animation under 144 frames!

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