Tuesday, October 28, 2014



You are to create (alone, or with a group) a short film using inanimate objects as characters! These characters must move in ways that elicit human emotion from the characters, as well the audience!

GRADING PARAMETERS:  Your film must have the following at bare minimum:

  • Full interplay between light, shadow, characters, and camerawork.
  • Efficient texturing.  I will give a grade for the quality of each.
  • Character requirements: The BARE MINIMUM of characters needed is 2.  One inanimate object that behaves like a person. And another inanimate object that behaves like a… well… inanimate object. You can add things like trinkets and accessories to your characters, but work smart!
  • Storytelling quality! I need to feel emotions and reactions to the events at work!
  • Teamwork and coordination! If you work in a team, make a copy of your production worksheet from earlier this semester and keep giving me updates every class of what you have created.
  • You will not be required to create sound for this film, but if you are interested in including sound, we will create a smart timeline to add basic music or sound to your film in adobe premiere!

Schedule for classes:

October 28th:
Project Started! Film Discussion, Groups Assembled, Preproduction begins!

October 30th:   General story idea established by this date!  

November 4th:
 Story must be finalized by this date!

November 6th:
All keys and most in-betweens must be made! Use the weekend to finalize polish! Light, Shadow, and the like!

November 11th:
Film must be complete @ 4:20! And fully rendered out! ZERO EXCEPTIONS!

Production methods tips:
  • Make a master scene! This project is dependent on all of you staying organized!  Use the master scene to import in objects made from different people!  
  • As you get further in, you will need to reload textures into your work, so start making basic shaders first!  Have models made with basic shaders applied. And have different people put together different sections!
  • Design a *smart project...* something that can be completed in two weeks, but also lets you do the cool things you’ve always wanted to do!

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