Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Film References and Storytelling Reminders!


The Blue Umbrella:

Those wanting to research storytelling: Consider the following outline:

Storytelling elements:
  • Inticing incident
  • Plot Point 1
  • Setbacks in act 2 (a minimum of 3)
  • Plot Point 2
  • Climax
  • Denouement/Resolution
  • A clear beginning, middle, and ending.

Within that outline, be sure to point out these major sections of questioning:

ACT 1: (25% of your film's runtime)
    1. Who is(are) the protagonist(s)?
    2. What is the setting of the film?
    3. How does the film begin?
    4. What is the inciting incident? (What triggers the main plot of the story?  What is the protagonist looking for?)
    5. What is the major first plot point that moves the story into act II?
ACT 2: (50% of your film's runtime)
    1. What setbacks does the protagonist face in Act II?
    2. How does the protagonist deal with those major plot points?
    3. What is the second major plot point that finally kicks the protagonist's butt in gear? What is the jumping off point for Act 3?
ACT 3: (25% of your film's runtime)
    1. What is the climax of the film? Does the protagonist get what is wanted, what is needed, or something else entirely?
    2. In the Denouement, how does the film relax itself back to a state of equilibrium? How is everything resolved?
    3. How does the film end?

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