The Blue Umbrella:
Review the formula for a movie's "Three Act Structure" at these links:
Those wanting to research storytelling: Consider the following outline:
Storytelling elements:
- Inticing incident
- Plot Point 1
- Setbacks in act 2 (a minimum of 3)
- Plot Point 2
- Climax
- Denouement/Resolution
- A clear beginning, middle, and ending.
Within that outline, be sure to point out these major sections of questioning:
ACT 1: (25% of your film's runtime)
ACT 1: (25% of your film's runtime)
- Who is(are) the protagonist(s)?
- What is the setting of the film?
- How does the film begin?
- What is the inciting incident? (What triggers the main plot of the story? What is the protagonist looking for?)
- What is the major first plot point that moves the story into act II?
ACT 2: (50% of your film's runtime)
- What setbacks does the protagonist face in Act II?
- How does the protagonist deal with those major plot points?
- What is the second major plot point that finally kicks the protagonist's butt in gear? What is the jumping off point for Act 3?
ACT 3: (25% of your film's runtime)
- What is the climax of the film? Does the protagonist get what is wanted, what is needed, or something else entirely?
- In the Denouement, how does the film relax itself back to a state of equilibrium? How is everything resolved?
- How does the film end?