Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Additional Modeling Tips!

  • Duplicate Special:
    • use X and D to select an object.
    • move cursor to origin.
  • edit - duplicate special.
  • Soft Selections: B Key.
  • Cords: Use EP curve tool for precise drawing, or cv curve tool for more general drawing.
    • Surfaces ---> Extrude
    • Make holes using booleans. 
  • Booleans:  Mesh —> Booleans —> Union, Difference, or Intersection

    • Union: Join 2 objects
    • Difference: Subtract first object from second object.
    • Intersection: Subtract everything but the intersection.
  • Options for More Organic Modeling:
    • Soft Selections: Tap B Key. (Hold B key to change soft selection brush size.)
    • Paint Selection Tool: Faster method of selecting components on a surface!
    • Mesh Tools -> Sculpting Tools -> Sculpt Tool
      • Photoshop-like brush tool for sculpting objects!
      • Settings for brush size and strength.
      • Keys for manipulation:
        • Hold Shift Key to soften objects
        • Hold control to draw the opposite action. (hill becomes valley, etc.)
        • Hold B key to control brush size as well.

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