Wednesday, April 18, 2018


This semester, you have learned a wide variety of practices and applied methods of 3-D creation.  For your final project, you are allowed to create a finished work of 3-D art of your choosing from the following categories!
  • Modeling (Organic Modeling)
  • Texturing
  • Lighting
  • Animation (object, character, or otherwise)
  • Effects
  • Compositing (with 2-D artwork)

You are also allowed to work in groups on this project should you choose!  Each person can take on an individual role in the project, or assume multiple ones for a final project. However, make sure you CREATE A FEASIBLE PROJECT IDEA THAT CAN BE COMPLETED IN THE TIME FRAME!

Stage 1: Research
Compile a sampling of 20 images of 3-D artwork that showcases the look and feel of whatever your final project will be.  Make note of 3 artists in the work and research their body of work and portfolio. Answer this question: What, in terms of structure, makes for a compelling portfolio of 3-D artwork?

Stage 2: Scheduling
On Monday, in the FINALS —> Final Project folder, you will create a document that contains the following information:
A short description of your final project. What will you create?  Who is involved in the project? Are you working by yourself, or with others? What roles are involved?
A schedule of development. What can you create and turn in as part of your final on April 30th?
Schedule yourself so you can take the proper time to put together final renders for your portfolio!

Stage 3: Development
Next week, you will produce your art! Use this weekend to plan ahead, as development time will go by quickly!

Stage 4: Polish and Portfolio
By April 30th, you should gather the following materials into a folder on the server for review.   Make a “renders” folder, and a “projects folder.”  Consolidate and organize your projects into the project folder. Place your final renders into the other folder!
  • Your Three Original Models (images) (p1a, p1b, p1c)
  • Your Environment Projects: 
    • The first one made with photo reference. (images) (p2a)
    • The two made for homework. (images) (p2b, p2c)
  • Your final environment project (rendered video) (p2d)
  • Your three ball bounce animations. (playblasts @ 1920x1080px) (p3)
  • Your blend shape motion tests. (playblasts @1920x1080px ) (p4a)
  • Your final blend shape animation. (rendered video, 1920 x 1080) (p4b)
  • Your first and second character motion tests + morpheus composite scene. (rendered video @ 1920 x 1080px) (p5a, p5b)
  • Your final project (p6) (images and video, depending on the project) (counts for three projects)
Grades will be calculated as the average of (p1a + p1b + p1c + p2a + p2b + p2c + p2d + p3 + p4a + p4b + p5a + p5b + p6 + p6 + p6).

You are allowed to revise earlier projects to turn in a finished element!

By the 30th, you should place all the content you have currently made to the server. Final renders of these materials and any changes to earlier projects must be made by 12:00 PM, May 6th 2018.  Include a document that lets me know of any changes you have made.

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