Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Homework for Monday:

Continue working on your models! In addition to the two that you made last week, you are to create one new object of increased challenge and complexity. This model should be your best work, where your modeling craftsmanship is efficient (consisting of only the number of edge loops necessary), made up of an optimized number of pieces, and with no mistakes on the model!

In addition, revise the models you brought to class, increasing the level of quality and detail in your work!

Below is some additional notes on additional skills to use when you are modeling your objects. If you were absent, please speak with your classmates for additional notes.


Modeling Techniques Part 2:

I. Modeling Modifiers:
  • Fill Hole : Mesh —> Fill Hole  (Fills a hole created by selecting edges.)
  • Bridge: Build a bridge with X number of polygons from one edge to another.
  • Deleting Edges
  • Rebuilding Edges
  • To EDGE LOOP and DELETE : 
    • Command + Right Click ->>>> Edge Loop Utilities —> To Edge Loop and Delete
II. Additional Modeling Principles
  • Modeling from the Origin:  
    • DUPLICATE SPECIAL!!! (Edit —> Duplicate Special)
      • Selecting specific numbers along the TRANSLATE, ROTATE, and SCALE settings will allow you to make multiple copies of a single object
  • Connect and the Modeling Toolkit
    • Connect: Splits Polygons in half, thirds, fourths, etc.
III. Editing pivot points:

  • D key: Edit Pivot Point
  • X key: Snap to Grid

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