Saturday, August 29, 2015

Weekend Review (With Vids!)

Homework for Monday: Use the skills you have learned this week to complete the following.....

As described in class, model a simple object with respects to producing as accurate of a 3-Dimensional model as possible!

Use the tools you learned in class to complete this assignment.  Below is a link to 3 tutorial videos you can use as a refresher for this assignment.

A note for Vid 3:  For the sake of speed, I do not take the model to full completion in the video.  The next step would be to refine the boot to create seams, or other important parts of the boot needed, such as shoelaces.  For your assignment, you want to get as close to realism as possible with this assignment, creating necessary detail while avoiding unnecessary amounts of polygons or edge loops.

Try to keep your craftsmanship as clean as possible! We will talk more about this next week!

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