Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Finals Checklist!

Finals Checklist:

On Monday, May 5th, please make sure you have the following items turned into the server. For each project, you should turn in two folders: (1) Your project folder so I can check your organizational methods and (2) snapshots or renders of your projects. You are free to add to your current folders if need be. Just make sure your folders have everything listed and organized as necessary!

Proper naming conventions for your renders are also listed.
  • Project 1: Your first composition project. 
    • [lastname_p1a, lastname_p1b, lastname_p1c]
  • Project 2: Your first three models you created.
    • [lastname_p2a, lastname_p2b, lastname_p2c]
  • Project 3: Your second set of three models you've created.
    • [lastname_p3a, lastname_b3b, lastname_p3c]
  • Project 4: Your Set of three simple interiors, built with lighting.
    • [lastname_p4a, lastname_p4b, lastname_p4c]
  • Project 5: The environment sketches we built -- one of the lab, and one of a chosen location on campus.
    • [lastname_p5a, lastname_p5b]
  • Project 6: Your environment project! Produce 3 image renders of your current environment's progress at 1920x1080 resolution! Refer to VIDEO 3 for instructions on lighting and rendering!
    • [lastname_p6a, lastname_p6b, lastname_p6c]
  • Project 7: Rendering your environment project!  Your 4 playblasts of your environment, as well as the rendered video of your final scene. (the final scene is created by editing together a few different camera angles from your movie)  Remember to batch render your final artwork! Make time to render it properly, if you're making updates!
    • lastname_p7a, lastname_p7b, lastname_p7c, lastname_p7d, and lastname_p7final
  • Project 8: Renders of your 5 character poses from your first animation rig practice!(resolution: 1920x1080)
    • lastname_p8a, lastname_p8b, lastname_p8c, lastname_p8d, lastname_p8e
  • Project 9: Playblasts of your 2 character animaiton sequences, and two ball bounces!
    • Folder: Character animation
      • lastname_p9a, lastname_p9b
    • Folder: Ball Bounces
      • lastname_p9c, lastname_p9d
  • Project 10: Your 3 Sculpted Vegetables and Fruits! Make rendered turnarounds like mentioned in class on monday!
    • lastname_p10a, lastname_p10b, lastname_p10c
  • Project 11: Your Final Project! [required folders are below:]
    • lastname_finalcontent [a folder containing the final, RENDERED artwork. 1920x1080 resolution]
    • lastname_devMaterials [any reference images, or videos you use to produce your project
    • lastname_projectfiles [project files for your final]
    • A description of your final project
  • Project 12 (Extra Credit):
    • Create, in a folder, a portfolio of your best work from the semester! Look online at how 3-D art portfolios are designed and make something similar for yourself! Bonus if you include any small models or sequences you have created outside of class!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Rendering 3-D Animated Content!

This week! Our goal is simple: Produce your first animated videos from your environment projects!  Notes below to help guide the process.

Steps for rendering your movies:

**BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Go to File, and Set Project. Make sure your project is set to your respective scene!

  1. Go to your Render Settings. Pick the renderer you want to use, set your proper pixel dimensions, and set the proper file type.
  • Image Format: can be PNG, or anything else. (png will be used for this project for smaller file sizes.)
  • Frame Range: Sets a number of frames for your project. Use the proper number of frames by multiplying your frame rate by the number of seconds of animation you need. In this example:  5 seconds x 24 frames = 120 frames.
  • Frame Padding:  Adding Extra Zeroes [0] in front of a file name to make sure numbers line up properly. Example:  001.png, 002.png, etc.
    • Tip: Add one extra zero than the ultimate number of frames you're creating.  If you are creating an amount with three digits, add 4 zeroes of frame padding so the highest frame number you can possibly have is 0999.png
  • Resolution: Pixel Ratio! For final work: 1920x1080.  In class today, we'll do 960x540 to get a feel for the process!
  • Frame/Animation Ext: "name_#.ext"  This enables us to save out multiple files!
  • Note, at the cost of longer times, you can change the "Quality Setting" of your scene to anything higher than 25%. Shadow quality and lighting quality will increase.  (Check the quality tab.)

After confirming settings, in the RENDERING menu, go to Render ---> BATCH RENDER ---> []
This will set Maya to export the number of frames you have previously set up. You can check progress by opening up your IMAGES folder on the server and checking out the progress there.

Once your shots are exported, we now compile them in a video editing program! We can use Premiere or After Effects, but for the sake of this tutorial, we'll use after effects!

In AFTER EFFECTS:  Open up the Preferences window:  Under "Import" make sure you put the sequence framerate to 24. 

Make a new composition. Settings are below.

In the Project Window: Right click and select Import Multiple Files

In the following window, you will shift select your files, and want to make sure you select the box that says PNG sequence.

From there, we will click, COMPOSITION ---> add to render queue, and use the file settings below!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Class Cancelled

Hey Class!  I got unlucky with the changing weather. 

On the bright side, I should be better in time for Wednesday.  I know, in your respective class, we're continuing a big project we're working on. For now, consider today to be a day where you have a little extra time to wrap up any progress you were making on your projects over spring break. Wednesday will be a day where I'll review everything you've worked on so far, and help steer you in the right direction for what comes next.

Tuesday, (instead of today,) I'll drop information across all class blogs for you, just to help prepare for the following next steps of our projects:

AN225: Layout and Character Animation.
AN310: 3D Batch Rendering and Filming with Manual 3-D Cameras
AN299: Mastering Audio, Non-Linear Editing, Mastering, and Distribution

Apologies for not being able to see how refreshed everyone is after spring break! I look forward to seeing all of you again soon!