Monday, November 28, 2016

Final Requirements:

At this point, each of you have learned a great deal in the world of 3D! We have spent the semester learning introductory-level modeling, texturing, lighting, and now, animation techniques!

For your final, I will ask you to create a simple blog that displays the following work:

  • 5 Renders of your environment project.
  • A 30 Second Movie of your animation with a steady camera that showcases your environment.
  • Your 3-D Character animation.

Grades for Each Project will be determined by the following:

Environment Project:  (5 grades in all)

  • Modeling (grade1)
    • Craftsmanship: Use of geometry, modeling accuracy, economy of modeling and amount of polygons.
  • Lighting (grade 2)
    • Scenes constructed with quality levels of contrast, light and shadow, where we have clear use of foreground, middle ground, and background objects.
  • Texturing (grade 3)
    • Objects appear as if they were made from different materials.  Scene is fully textured, and objects appear believable with minimal visible seams.
  • Cinematography (grade 4)
    • Camera angles for movie are properly paced and clearly describe your environment’s “story”.
  • Rendering (grade 5)
    • Renders are fully produced and edited, where all of the following above is taken into consideration.

Animation Project: (one grade for scene construction, one grade for character animation, one grade for rendering)
  • All criteria for modeling and lighting,  (grade 6) in addition to:
    • Clear storytelling and body mechanics.
    • Rendered sequences where your character is clear and easy to understand in both acting, storytelling and movement.
    • General understanding of the functions of character rigs, demonstrated by creating a captivating final animation!

These are the 8 grades that will factor into your final grade! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

Monday, November 21, 2016


Begin work on your final project!

Your goal is simple:

1. Complete your 3D environment, and render a short movie of your environment scene! Tell the story of your environment with your camera work!
  • If you are still unable to render your environment, please notify me with questions and info about the way your scene is set up!
  • I will give you feedback on your lighting and texturing on next monday. Please send me renders of the sections you have completed in the meantime!

2. Begin work on your final character animation! The story for this animation is as follows:
Story: A character walks into a room and sits down, ready to relax after a long day.

  • Instructions:
    • Block your animation by next monday! Build a simple scene with good lighting and use it to animate this scene!
    • You have the next two weeks to animate your final! This should give you enough time to make changes to your 3-D environment as well! 
    • The process of animating a character moving will take some time. As a class, you will compare notes, successes and mistakes on Monday!

PLEASE BE ADVISED: Your final animation is a project that channels everything you have learned this semester. Because of this, I am expecting you to stay ORGANIZED during your production! I will be reviewing lighting and layout, in addition to your animation storytelling!

Work hard these next two weeks! Eat lots of food this holiday! Have a great thanksgiving! =D

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Homework for Monday:

Your homework for Monday is to create a 20-30 second movie, where you film your entire room!  Create a camera, and render an HD movie of your environment! Showcase the viewpoints you have selected in your 5 views! Take your time, and show us the most important sections of your environment! If you were absent, and have any questions,

1) Acquire notes from your classmates on the finer points of camerawork and rendering. I will post some notes for you soon.

2) Email me if you have any questions about the rendering process. Inform me of the notes you have already acquired so I know where to guide you!