At this point, each of you have learned a great deal in the world of 3D! We have spent the semester learning introductory-level modeling, texturing, lighting, and now, animation techniques!
For your final, I will ask you to create a simple blog that displays the following work:
- 5 Renders of your environment project.
- A 30 Second Movie of your animation with a steady camera that showcases your environment.
- Your 3-D Character animation.
Grades for Each Project will be determined by the following:
Environment Project: (5 grades in all)
- Modeling (grade1)
- Craftsmanship: Use of geometry, modeling accuracy, economy of modeling and amount of polygons.
- Lighting (grade 2)
- Scenes constructed with quality levels of contrast, light and shadow, where we have clear use of foreground, middle ground, and background objects.
- Texturing (grade 3)
- Objects appear as if they were made from different materials. Scene is fully textured, and objects appear believable with minimal visible seams.
- Cinematography (grade 4)
- Camera angles for movie are properly paced and clearly describe your environment’s “story”.
- Rendering (grade 5)
- Renders are fully produced and edited, where all of the following above is taken into consideration.
Animation Project: (one grade for scene construction, one grade for character animation, one grade for rendering)
- All criteria for modeling and lighting, (grade 6) in addition to:
- Clear storytelling and body mechanics.
- Rendered sequences where your character is clear and easy to understand in both acting, storytelling and movement.
- General understanding of the functions of character rigs, demonstrated by creating a captivating final animation!
These are the 8 grades that will factor into your final grade! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!