Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Animation Boogaloo Day!

Today, you have access to a number of different rigs and projects to choose from! 

I have provided a couple sample rigs for you on the server (in the RESOURCES AND DOWNLOADS folder) to practice with as we continue talking about character animation.

Class will start with a discussion on what a CHARACTER RIG is, followed by time given to you in class to experiment as you see fit!  You can also continue working on your object performance from last class!
Regardless of what you do in class today, you will be asked to make a selection of clear key poses demonstrating proper character emotions for your homework! this is in addition to finishing up your animation from last week!

The number of poses I'll be looking from for you is FOUR(4.)

BONUS:    Extra credit to anyone who is willing to make a short 3 second animation of one of your clear emotions!

Credits for the rigs used in class today:

Goon Rig created by Sean Burgoon of the "How to Cheat in Maya 20XX series of instructional books."

Click to download MAX for Maya: (right click and save as)

Max for Maya Credits:
Original Rig created by Peter Starostin 
maya conversion by James Hunt

Rig usage policy (as posted from original site): 
  • “Don’t try to merge a copy of the rig in a scene that already has it loaded, facials will break due to name dependent scripts. Otherwise, don’t use it for commercial work.  Feel free to use it in an animation demo reel as long as you credit me for the rig. Have fun and I hope it will help you practice character animation. =)

Simple Bot (originally created by David Drbal; Modified by Alex Puente:

  • ("...As per Davids Request, this is for you to play with, use it for your Demo Reels BUT NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.) Finally, if there is any modification you would like to make to it, please feel free to do so, just let me know in order to provide other people with the latest consolidated version, so this way we do not have every other peoples versions out there and confusing others about which is the latest / best one."